個人創業者は燃え尽き症候群になる率が高い。精神的な負担が大きすぎるのです。どんな傾向でも、例外はあります。 会社の大部分を諦める。それだけの価値がある。パートナーの目的は、永遠に付加価値を提供することではありません。会社が成長するにつれ、あなたが雇うことになるはるかに優れたスキルを持つ人が出てくるでしょう。それでもいいのです。共同創業者の目的は、あなたがプロダクト・マーケット・フィットに到達するまでの道のりを成功させる手助けをすることです。そして、そこに到達し、電撃的なスケールアップを始めたら、それ以降も価値を与え続けてくれるのであれば、それはそれで喜ばしいことです。
Y Combinatorにはもう一つ強い信念がある。それは、創業チームは真のプロダクト・マーケット・フィットが達成されるまで6名を超えて成長すべきではないということである。それは、モラル、コミュニケーションと組織、そしてスピードの3つである。 アジェンダリストを作成し、使用する。これは、あなたの定例会議のリストです。定期的に会っている人に相談したいことを思いついたら、Agenda listに書き込んでおきましょう 受信箱のチェックは1日2回(午前と午後)だけにすることをお勧めします。2分以上かかる場合は、次の行動を書き出し(第3章のステップに従う)、そのメールを正しい場所(次の行動、Waiting For、Someday/Maybe、または参照)に置くようにします。
企業文化を築き、形成する方法はさまざまですが、私が重視する主なものは、価値観、楽しみ、祝い、営業時間、食事、チーム間のコミュニケーション、政治を最小限に抑えることです。 企業文化を創造する際、「楽しさ」の価値を過小評価してはいけません。楽しければ、人々はより多くの時間、エネルギー、意識を会社で過ごすことができます。チームを連れて、地元のレストランにランチに出かけてみてはいかがでしょう。配膳時間が決まっているケータリングがない場合は、ランチの提案時間を提示して、みんなで食事ができるようにしましょう(カレンダーイベント付き)。楽しいオフサイトのアクティビティを見つける。地元の遊園地は、贅沢な海外旅行と同じくらい楽しいものです。ドッジボールやサッカーなどのチームスポーツをする。近所の映画館を貸し出す。(朝から上映してくれるところがほとんどです)。
2回やったら、書き留めよう Wikiを作成したら、次のことが問題になります。
会社の全機能と、それぞれの直接の責任者をリストアップした文書を作成します。これがAORリストです。これは、あらゆる質問に対するルーティング・レイヤーとして機能し、どの機能も漏れることがないようにします。このリストへのアクセス方法を社内の誰もが知っているようにし、新しい機能が発生したり、責任の所在が変わったりした場合には、更新してください。 **取締役会:5人を超えないようにすること。取締役会のオブザーバーは、取締役会の間だけ観察し、取締役から直接質問されない限り、話さないことになっています。この行動を徹底してください。** 機能の優先順位付けに関する議論では、製品に最終的な権限がなければなりません。エンジニアリングとセールス&マーケティングのどちらかが権限を持っていると、決定が歪んでしまいます。したがって、理想的なのは、製品が独立した部門であり、CEOに直接報告することです。 アカウンタビリティとは、目的地(ビジョン、OKR、KPI)、そこに到達するための行動ステップ(アクション)、そしてその行動ステップが取られたかどうか(最終的に目的地を達成したかどうか)を宣言することである。
透明性とは、次のようなフレームワークを用いて、自分がやっていることに対するフィードバックを(その人の上司、同僚、報告者に)宣言することである。のようなものです。"あなたがやっていることの中で、私が気に入っている具体的な行動です。" Wish that: "これらは、あなたがもっと違うことをしてほしいと思う具体的な行動です。"
コーチング(課題と解決策) a. OKRを信号機で示す(緑、黄、赤) i. 緑=軌道に乗っている ii. 黄=やや軌道から外れている iii. 赤=大きく外れている 会社全般のフィードバックを求める場合、"あなたがCEOなら、何を変えますか?"と尋ねるのが有効です。
潜在的な投資家に初めて会うときは、彼ら自身について質問する。仕事と家庭の両方で、彼らの生活について純粋に関心を持ってください。たくさん質問してください。会議が終わったら、その人について覚えている限りの情報を書き留めましょう。次に会うときは、「この前、あなたはこう言っていましたね」と、もう一度ハイライトを繰り返してください。 大切なのは、効率です。そして、効率的であるためには、採用しない候補者にはできるだけ時間をかけず(迅速な評価)、採用したい、採用する候補者にはできるだけ時間をかける(関係構築とオンボーディング/トレーニング)ことが必要です。
3つのPについて聞いてみる。3つのP(業績、計画、仲間)を使って、その業績が文脈の中でどれだけ価値があったかを明確にする。○ "あなたの業績は前年度の業績と比較してどうでしたか?" ○"How did your performance compare to the plan?" ○"How did your performance compare to the plan?" ○ "あなたの業績は、同業者の業績と比較してどうでしたか?"
"えっ、どうやって?もっと教えて」フレームワーク 3人のチームメンバー(採用担当者ではない)に、それぞれ50分の集中インタビューを行わせる。
7日間、30日間、60日間、90日間の目標マイルストーンと日付を記載した書面によるパフォーマンス改善計画(PIP)を作成する。毎週1回ミーティングを行い、目標に対する進捗状況を確認する。30日後、マイルストーンのいずれかに到達していない場合は、そのメンバーを解雇します。 あなたが解決しようとしている課題は、顧客が直面している唯一の課題ではないかもしれません。ですから、あなたが解決する具体的な課題に向けて会話を誘導するのがあなたの仕事なのです。また、"Please tell me more. "などのオープンエンドの質問をすることも非常に有効です。そうすることで、お客様がどのように状況を捉えているのか、さらなる文脈を知ることができます。最後に、相手の目標や課題、理想とする解決策など、重要なことは必ず相手に繰り返し伝え、話を聞いていることを示し、信頼関係を築きましょう。
Solo founders have high rates of burnout. The emotional burden is just too high. As with any trend, there are exceptions.
Give up a large percentage of the company. It’s worth it. Your partner’s purpose is not to be value-add forever. As your company grows, you will likely find people with far greater skills whom you will hire. That’s okay. Your co-founder’s purpose is to help you achieve success in your march to product-market fit. Once you get there and begin the blitzscaling process, be pleased if they continue to add value beyond that point.
Y Combinator has another strong belief: founding teams should never grow beyond six until there is true product-market fit.Why not grow beyond six team members before reaching PMF? Three main reasons: morale, communication and organization, and speed.
create and use an Agenda list. This is your list of regular meetings. When you think of something that you want to discuss with someone whom you meet with regularly, write it down on your Agenda list.
I recommend checking your inbox only twice a day (once in the morning, once in the afternoon).If the email takes less than two minutes to address, do it immediately. If it takes more than two minutes, write down a next action for it (according to the steps in chapter 3), and then place the email in its correct location (Next Actions, Waiting For, Someday/Maybe, or Reference).
Schedule two hours each day (i.e., put an event in your calendar) to work on your top goal only. And do this every single workday. Period.During this top goal time, do not respond to emails, texts, calls, and messages. Only work on your top priority (your top goal for the current quarter) during these two hours. If you follow this pattern each workday, you will achieve amazing things.
To vastly improve the quality of the communication and reduce the amount of time that you spend communicating the information, write it down.
invest in low-cost index funds (e.g., Vanguard) according to a specific allocation (he recommends about 30 percent US equities, 25 percent non-US equities, 15 percent real estate, and 30 percent US Treasuries) and then rebalance as often as possible.
You create buy-in when you make people feel that they are part of the decision and that their input contributes to the final outcome.Method 1: The manager makes the decision, announces it to the team, and answers questions.Method 2: The manager creates (or assigns someone to create) a written straw man (a hypothetical answer designed to inspire discussion), shares it with the team, invites the team to give feedback (written and verbal), facilitates group discussion, and determines the final answer.Method 3: The manager invites the team to a meeting where the dilemma is discussed from scratch with no straw man. The manager and the team equally share ideas. The manager acknowledges each idea before making a final decision.
Reserve the first fifteen minutes of the meeting for all participants to write out their updates and issues. Then use another ten minutes of the meeting for all participants to read one another’s updates and issues.
Do not allow people to bring up an issue that they have not already written up. Use the first ten minutes of the meeting for all participants to read one another’s updates and issues.
There are only two pieces of information most companies choose not to share openly: (1) individuals’ compensation and (2) individuals’ performance reviews (particularly performance improvement plans).
“What are the most important issues (maximum three) for me to solve in the next ninety days?”
I ask all team members to open a document that only they have access to and write down their thoughts about the company when they source their joy, excitement, sadness, anger, and fear.
Remember that you are not making a product—you are solving a customer must sit with the customer, ask them about their life, and observe their daily routine, on a regular and constant basis.
There are various ways to build and shape company culture, and the main ones that I tend to focus on are through values, fun, celebration, hours of operation, meals, cross-team communication, and politics minimization.
When creating company culture, do not underestimate the value of fun. If people are having fun, they spend more time, energy, and awareness at the company. Take the team out for lunch at a local restaurant. If you don’t have catering, which has its own serving time, then provide suggested times for lunch so people can eat together (with a calendar event). Find fun off-site activities. The local amusement park is just as fun as an extravagant international trip. Play team sports like dodgeball and soccer. Rent out a local movie theater. (They are almost always available for a morning screening.)
Most companies are so focused on improving that they forget to celebrate. But celebration, like fun, is a key to building positive morale.
When You Do It Twice, Write It Down After creating a wiki, the question then becomes,
Create a document that lists all of the company’s functions and, for each, the directly responsible individual. This is the AOR list. It serves as a routing layer for any questions and ensures that no functions fall through the cracks. Make sure everybody in the company knows how to access the list, and update it as new functions arise or as responsibilities shift.
Board meeting:Try very hard not to go beyond five.Board observers are supposed to observe only during a board meeting and not talk unless asked a direct question by a board member. Enforce this behavior.
Product must have the final authority in the discussion around feature prioritization. If either engineering or sales and marketing has the authority, the decision will get skewed. Ideally, therefore, product is its own department and reports directly to the CEO.
For an organization to work well, three things must occur at every level of the organization and be apparent at every meeting: Accountability Coaching Transparency
Accountability is declaring a destination (vision, OKRs, KPIs); the action steps to get there (actions); and whether those actions steps were taken (and eventually the destination achieved). Coaching is declaring the current health of the entity (individual, team, department, company), both the good and the not good; and with the not good, what the issue is in detail and a proposed solution. (This is where reports can make requests for help from their manager.)
Transparency is declaring (to a person’s manager, peers, and reports) feedback to people on what they are doing, using the following framework: Like: “These are the specific actions that I like that you are doing.” Wish that: “These are the specific actions that I wish you would do differently.”
Coaching (issues and solutions) a. Show your OKRs in traffic-light fashion (green, yellow, red). i. Green = on track ii. Yellow = slightly off track iii. Red = far off track
When asking for feedback on the company in general, it is useful to ask, “If you were CEO, what would you change?”
Therefore, do not use a one-way communication method (email, text, or voicemail) to give feedback, unless it is 100 percent positive
When meeting potential investors for the first time, ask them about themselves. Get genuinely curious about their lives, both at work and at home. Ask them lots of questions. Prove to them you’re listening by saying.When the meeting ends, write down as much information about the person as you remember. At your next meeting with them, say, “The last time we talked, you said…” and again repeat the highlights.
The key is efficiency. And to be efficient, you must spend as little time as possible with the candidates you don’t hire (quick evaluation) and as much time as possible with the candidates you want to and do hire (building a relationship and onboarding/training).
Create a list of the ten most talented people you know. Commit to speaking to at least one of them each week for the next ten weeks, asking them, “Who are the three most talented people you know?” Continue to build your list and continue to talk with at least one person per week. Document everything in your company’s applicant tracking system (ATS).
Ask about the three Ps. Use the three Ps (performance, plan, and peers) to clarify how valuable an accomplishment was in context. ○ “How did your performance compare to the previous year’s performance?” ○ “How did your performance compare to the plan?” ○ “How did your performance compare to that of your peers?”
“What? How? Tell me more” framework. Have three team members (not the hiring manager) each conduct a fifty-minute focused interview.
Create a written performance improvement plan (PIP) that states objective milestones and dates over a seven-, thirty-, sixty-, and ninety-day period. Meet weekly to check progress against the written milestones. At thirty days, if the team member hasn’t hit one of the milestones, then you let them go.
The pain point that you are solving may not be the only challenge that the customer faces, so it is your job to guide the conversation toward the specific pain you solve. It is also very helpful to ask open-ended questions, such as “Please tell me more.” This will give you additional context about how they see the situation. Finally, make sure to repeat the important things they say about their goals, challenges, and ideal solutions back to them to show them that you are listening and to build trust.
The reality, however, is that most people don’t care about your product functionality. They don’t care about your features. They care only about their business results.
When DocuSign realized this, they changed their strategy. They changed their pitch to say that they can increase your revenue by getting your customers to sign their contracts in under half the time that they currently take to do so. What follows is history. In 2015, DocuSign raised $233 million at a $3 billion valuation.
You should hire a sales team only when two conditions are met: You have found an initial version of product-market fit. This means that a significant proportion of your paying customers are renewing their contracts. You have figured out what you are selling and whom you are selling to. Keep in mind that as you grow your sales, you also need to grow the infrastructure to meet the need of the sales from the new salespeople.
But history tells a different story. The greatest risk of a startup is not that they moved too slowly in dominating the entire marketplace, but rather that they spread their scarce resources too thin and ended up securing few or no customers at all. Continue focusing on this first type of customer until you have secured many (if not most) of them as your customers. Then use your now-larger amount of resources to move to the next-lowest-hanging fruit.Continue to focus on this segment until you dominate it. Only then expand to other customer segments (or add other products).
**Make Money, Have Fun, Do Good**